Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service 10:00 – 11:00 AM
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to everything we want to do at Blessed Hope. So every Sunday we meet to recall and to celebrate what Jesus has done for us in His death, burial, and resurrection. Our Sunday morning worship service includes singing, prayer, giving, and the reading and preaching of God’s Word. Our heart’s prayer each week as we meet is that God would be made much of and that we would hear Him speak through His Word.
You can expect our weekly worship gatherings to be simple and focused on Jesus. We aren’t trying to do something that’s never been done before, but to follow the biblical and historical elements of Christian worship: congregational singing, corporate praise and prayer, the reading and teaching of God’s Word, and the practice of Baptism and Communion.
Don’t expect us to put you on the spot. We promise we won’t single you out during the service. However, we may ask that you simply fill out a visitors card, which is just our way of getting to know you better. But please only fill out as much information as you are comfortable sharing. We’re simply glad you’ve chosen to worship with us.
Other Details:
Attire – wear whatever is most comfortable. Most who attend dress casually. God is most concerned, not with the clothes on our backs, as He is with the loyalty of our heart.
Child Care – we have a nursery available each Sunday morning and Wednesday night. We also have a Children’s Church for children from K-3rd grade. We would love to teach your children as you attend a service.